Our Aim Statement: "Caring, Sharing, Fun and Learning for Happy, Confident Children"
We endeavour to:-
- provide a welcoming, caring and friendly environment to both children and carers
- provide a stimulating environment with activities appropriate to the age and stage of the children
- plan activities to cover all areas of learning
- encourage parents to take part in their children’s learning
- keep parents involved and informed of what takes place at pre-school as well as how their children are progressing
- give children opportunities to explore areas that are difficult to do at home. e.g. craft activities and water play
- Allow for equal opportunities for all children irrespective of race, gender or special educational need
- follow the guidelines of the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ document that outlines the learning and experiences pre-school children should have in order that they can grow and develop
- use ‘play’ as a means by which the children can learn, have fun and make sense of their world
- keep staff up to date with ongoing training
- smooth the integration from pre-school to the reception year