Emscote Pre-School is situated at the rear of Emscote Infant School and is accessed via a pathway at the back of the staff car park. It provides sessional day care for children aged three to five years with a limited number of places for children from two years and six months. The pre-school also has a Lunch Club whereby children can bring a packed lunch and stay for extra time either before their afternoon session or after their morning session.
The accommodation consists of two rooms linked by a small flight of steps. The lower floor is set up initially with a wide choice of toys and activities with a home corner for house play and a book corner for quieter times. There is also an area for messy activities such as painting, gluing or modelling dough. The pre-school has its own toilet facilities with easy access. Outside there is a large enclosed garden which has a rubberised safety surface. We provide activities using large equipment for climbing and toys for riding on as well as sand play and gardening. The children are able to play outside most days due to two under cover areas for wet times.