Admission to Emscote Pre-School
The pre-school provides a choice of sessions for parents to choose from. There are morning sessions from 9am – 12pm, afternoon sessions from 1 – 3.30pm and some full day places from 9am – 3.30pm. There is a Lunch Club that takes place between the morning and afternoon sessions.
The pre-school welcomes all families in the community, without discrimination. Our policy for Admission is to admit children in order of date of birth. We are only able to admit a limited number of children at two years and nine months due to differing staff ratios. At times there can be a lot of children wanting a place at the pre-school at the same time and in this case, priority is given to those children in pre-school and then to those on the waiting list. This may mean that, regrettably, we are not able to offer everyone a place exactly when their child is eligible to come. When your child is admitted to the pre-school we offer a flexible programme of induction whereby parents are encouraged to stay for the first session. Each child has their own keyperson who takes a special interest their keychildren to ensure they receive individual attention to develop their skills whilst at the pre-school. The keyperson also works with parents to help settle their child into the pre-school.
"The Pre-School practice is fully inclusive where all children are valued and treated with equal concern". (Ofsted 2009)
If you would like to apply to Emscote Pre-School to add your child’s name to the waiting list please telephone: (01926) 495619
Or complete the online form. Or you may call into the pre-school at any time to look around and ask for any more information that you require. You will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available for your child.